Let us help you build cultural and religious literacy with your educators and administrators!
Contact us if you are looking for a trainer or facilitator for any of the following:
Pre-service teacher training;
Support for any teachers in delivering our resources as part of their curriculum;
Professional Development sessions for teachers of social studies, cultural studies and world religions;
Training for teachers interested in religious literacy.
Most trainings are between 1 and 3 hours. We will work with you to tailor our session to meet the needs of your educators.
Our trainings are valuable for all teachers and administrators. We offer two main professional development curricula: (1) Training specifically for social studies and humanities educators with an emphasize on teaching about Sikhs in the curriculum and (2) a general religious and cultural literacy training to equip teachers and administrators at all grade levels and content areas to better understand and work with their Sikh students.
Kaur Foundation Educator Trainings are currently offered to you at no cost.
Montgomery County Summer Teachers' Institute (MD)
SSTC Texas Educators Conference (2017)
What do educators have to say about our workshops?
"LOVED hearing from Mirin Phool. Her perspectives were touching and meaningful. [The Cultural Safari] DVD was valuable learning. I thought I needed to leave early due to rental car issue. Topic was so interesting I stayed. Very valuable!!!"
"What will you share with your colleagues from this workshop? -Sikhism…to everyone 6th, 7th, and 8th grade -The idea that through education our children will learn not to bully. (By the way, I will share this information with my own child) -The information on Sikh culture, especially the bullying part -Pronunciation of Sikh (I had it wrong)"
"Loved the presentation on Sikhism!!"
"I deeply appreciated the presentation on Sikhism. I learned a lot from it and am looking forward to having the lessons done in 6th grade."